Facebook Login Page Help And Troubleshooting

Facebook Login Page Help And Troubleshooting

Facebook is currently probably the most popular social networking website on the Internet. With a user base growth of 50 million in the last three months it is without doubt now ranking at the top with its 300 million users. Facebook login problems are as common as those on other websites. This does not only fall into the forgotten username or password category but also phishing problems which every major web service has to cope with. The standard Face book login page is located on the homepage. There Facebook account owners can log into their Facebook profile by clicking on the login button, and new users can register an account at the social networking site. A mobile page is available as well as a Facebook lite website. The former for mobile users, the latter for users with slow Internet connections.

Login Facebook

The following paragraphs act as a guide for people who have troubles connecting to Facebook.com, who have lost or cannot remember their username, password and email, who have their accounts hacked or who experience other error messages while trying to log into Facebook.

Additional information are available at the following pages:

Facebook Login Page
Analysing Facebook Login Problems

A forgot your password link is available on all three pages in case the login password cannot be remembered correctly. The Facebook login username is usually the email address that was used in the signup. Facebook users who want to get rid of all the problems related to logging into the social networking site including forgotten passwords or phishing threats should use a password manager like Last Pass, which is available for Firefox, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome, for their login. This password manager remembers the username and password, will automatically fill them into the forms at the homepage and even perform the Facebook log in automatically.

Members who are experiencing other problems that are related to the login page or screen might want to try clearing their web browser cache. Another possibility is to use a different web browser if one is available to see if the login problem exists on that web browser as well which would suggest that it is not a browser setting that is responsible for the Facbook login problems the user experiences.

Video Instructions to log into Facebook, Facebook homepage

Facebook Login Tips
  • Never follow links that allegedly lead to the Facebook login , always enter the url directly in your web browser to go there.
  • Always check the website before you start entering your log in information
  • Use a password manager like Last Pass to aid in the login process.
  • Select a secure password with at least eight digits and a number.
  • Do not hand out your username or password to anyone.
  • Change your password the second you suspect the account could be compromised
Facebook Log in Help

If you have lost or cannot remember your Facebook password, go to: Reset Password page and follow the guide there to restore it.

 If you do not have access to the email address you signed up with, go to: My login email address is invalid or expired at Facebook to recover it.

 If your Facebook account has been hacked, go to: Security, my Facebook account has been hacked.

If you have forgotten your login email address you can try login in with your Facebook account username if you have defined one. You might also ask your friends to look at your profile and retrieve the email address for your. If all else fails go here.

Additional Facebook login information and security tips are available at the Login Helper website.

The troubleshooting guide has shown that face book account holders can face several difficulties when connecting to the social networking site. Some problems are related to technical problems, a blank page or errors on the page for instance, while others are Facebook account related, usually that information such as the email address, username or password are not accepted.

Users who have resolved their log in problems at the site are encouraged to leave a comment to help other users who are experiencing the same login issues.


January 26, 2011 – Facebook recently announced a new security related option in the user’s account settings that can be used to enable HTTPS on the whole site. HTTPS, a secure encrypted connection between the local computer and the Facebook website, ensures that no one in the same computer network can listen to that traffic. The change has been announced here

Facebook users need to open their Account Settings page where they can check the Secure Browsing checkbox to enable HTTPS for the account.

October 12, 2010 – Facebook has launched two new security features. First, the social networking site has launched one time passwords that can be used to log into Facebook with passwords that are only valid for one time. It works by configuring a mobile phone number in the Facebook account settings and then sending otp to 32665 on your mobile phone if you are in the US. Facebook will reply with a one-time password for the login.

The second addition is the ability to log out remotely. If you have forgotten to log out of Facebook you can do that now even if you are not near the device you logged in with. This is handled under Account Security section of your Account Settings page.

Stay tuned for additional Facebook login and security updates.

February 14, 2012 – You can harden your Facebook account under Security Settings. Here is a quick rundown of what’s available there:
  • Security Question – This helps Facebook identify you when you try to contact the support for instance.
  • Secure Browsing – Here you can enable https for all connections where the feature is available.
  • Login notifications – Receive emails whenever someone logs into your Facebook account.
  • Login Approvals – This enables two factor authentication on Facebook. You basically get a code send to your mobile phone whenever someone tries to log in from an unrecognized device.
  • App Passwords – This are helpful if you have enabled Facebook login approvals. Some apps do not support the feature and you create special passwords for them here to use them.
  • Recognized devices – Displays a list of devices that have connected to Facebook recently.
  • Active Sessions – All Facebook sessions that are active.

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