How to Time Travel

Get from Here to There and from Now to Then

So, you want to time travel, but say you can't because it's impossible. Well, I'm here to tell you that it is, and I have NASA, quantum physics, and every time travel-based science fiction story (based in real science, of course) to back me up.
Okay, no one has yet proven time travel to be possible in this universe (that we know of -- wink, wink), but the operative word is yet. And hey, after decades of work, the folks at CERN finally proved there is a Higgs boson, so while time travel may be just theoretically possible right now, give it time.
For the sake of agreement instead of argument, let's say that time travel is possible now. From what I've found, what you need for time travel is a wormhole, time tunnel, or another kind of time portal; a time machine or other time travel device; or, in some instances, a life event. Each can get you from here to there, whether "there" is another place, another time, or both.
Late for a meeting? Time travel your way across the distance between home and office and arrive on time or even early. Wish you could do differently something from your past? No problem. Interrupt the time/space continuum and get it done right this time, altering the course of history be danged.
Is time travel possible?
What is time, anyway?
To understand time travel, we first have to understand time.
We think of time in linear terms. For us, our perceptions tell us that time moves on a straight path, ever forward. But just because our perception is our reality doesn't make it so. And just because we haven't physically traveled backwards or forwards in time (yet) doesn't mean we can't.